Managing childcare can be a daunting task without a communication platform. Comtracts offers childcare providers easy and efficient tools to manage important information without installing expensive software or specialized equipment. Creating family-child and employee directories that safeguard and maintain important information making managing childcare simple. Comtracts’ web-based platforms allow childcare centers to manage family and child information in one directory and employee HR information in another directory. Both directories create the ability to management important information and deadlines in a secure and compliant manner. Consistent platforms do not require new hardware or expensive IT solutions. Comtracts’ platforms are easy to use, efficient, and cost effective.
Child Safety
Using Comtracts platform for families and children, daycare centers can manage and maintain family information, permissions, medical information, and other important matters and documents. Access information from anywhere using records stored in a digital library available to teachers and staff. This feature can be especially helpful when on field trips. Being able to have immediate access to children’s medical records, for example, enhances child safety and makes it easier to access important medical treatment. Having immediate access to permissions and schedules also enhances a childcare center’s ability to maintain security and safety of children and daycare staff. Including photographs in family-child directories also provides an important security check. For example, teachers and staff can verify adults authorized for pickup in an efficient, effective and safe manner.
Document Storage
Comtracts’ employee directory allows childcare centers to maintain employee records in a secure cloud-based system. This system features automated notifications of trainings, licensure requirements, renewals, certifications and other important events to administrators. Comtracts’ platform can be used to document employee compliance with and adherence to policies and procedures. Comtracts’ platform enhances compliance with federal, state, and local regulatory requirements. Using Comtracts’ systems allows child centers to provide immediate documentation of compliance when state licensure surveyors/inspectors ask.
With Comtracts’ communication tool, childcare centers can send notices and information immediately to employees. The communication tool allows notification to employees by classifications, by groups, or by individual via email or text message. Childcare centers can send information about policies and procedures, about required trainings, and other important information quickly. Send messages to families including reminders for permissions, for payments, for medical records or any other necessary information. Even more, Comtracts’ calendar system can provide automated notices that eliminate risk and increase compliance.
Customize Comtracts’ platforms to meet client specific requirements. Our important and intuitive platforms can be customized to meet needs of individual childcare centers. Contact Comtracts by calling —- or through our Website for information about these important tools.